Morsmå – multilingual resources on the web

The website morsmå is made especially for educators in kindergartens and schools, and for anyone who works for linguistic and cultural diversity in education.
Free multilingual resources
At morsmå, free multilingual resources are made available for use in kindergartens and schools. We collect and develop resources for multilingual work in kindergarten, and for mother-tongue instruction and multilingual instruction in school. Among other things, the site provides bilingual texts on academic topics, songs, stories, rhymes, as well as links to other relevant resources and sites.
Our history
In Report 23 to the Storting, Språk bygger broer (“Language builds bridges”), the Ministry of Education initiated a Nordic collaboration on digital educational resources in various languages. A Swedish page called Tema Modersmål had existed since 2001, and there was an interest in creating a Norwegian version. In 2009, the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training was asked to collaborate with a Swedish team to develop a similar Norwegian site. The Norwegian version was launched on 22 October 2009, and since 1 January 2011, NAFO has been responsible for maintaining the site.
Our network
Through NAFO’s work, morsmå receives constant input from the field of multiculturalism and multilingualism in education. NAFO collaborates with bilingual educators in schools and kindergartens in developing bilingual teaching plans and bilingual resources. This enables us to provide content that is relevant to educators as well as to anyone who works for linguistic and cultural diversity in education. We also wish to share multilingual resources that have been created and developed by others, and that can help inspire schools and kindergartens to do more multilingual and multicultural work.