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MultiLing Closing Conference 2023
18. oktober 2023 kl. 16:00 – 20. oktober 2023 kl. 17:00
As MultiLing is coming to a closure in 2023, we invite all interested to join us as we discuss and synthesize our research and achievements.
University Aula, University Square / Helga Engs hus, Blindern
Over the past decade, the Center of Excellence MultiLing has studied multilingualism in society across the lifespan. The Center has contributed to how society can deal with the opportunities and challenges of multilingualism through increased knowledge, promoting agency for individuals in society, and a better quality of life, no matter what linguistic and social background we have.
Talks, panel discussions and posters on the topics that include:
- Multilingual competence and acquisition
- Multilingualism in multifaceted populations (aphasia, dementia, ADHD etc.)
- Language and cognitive processing in multilingual brains
- Multilingual practices in families, institutions, and public space
- Multilingual, multimodal communication online and offline
- Language attitudes and ideologies in multilingual settings
- Policies, political processes, and activism in multilingual societies
- Revitalization and reclamation of minoritized languages
- The added value of interdisciplinary research on multilingualism